Service Dog Training
What you need to know about training your own Service Dog
The legal definition of a Service Dog is any dog that is individually trained to do work or perform tasks for a person with a disability.
While the A.D.A. (Americans Disability Act) protects people with disabilities, there are no agencies that protect you from companies offering to help you supposedly train your dog for Service Dog work. Fact is, the dog is NOT required to be certified!
The dog is NOT required to be trained by a professional or go through a professional training program
They are NOT required to wear a vest or ID
They are NOT required to have ANY documentation
They are NOT required to be registered or licensed as a Service Dog
So here you are, wanting to do things “right” and find a trainer or program that can legitimately train your dog to learn the tasks or work necessary to help you, based on your disability.
A trainer that can help your dog perform reliably at home and in public.
A company that isn’t going to sell you on bells & whistles that just aren’t necessary.
A trainer who promotes comprehensive training that has levels to it.
What are the qualifications of the instructor?
How long have they been in business?
Do they offer any regular obedience classes?
Do they have an outline of the coursework for their Service Dog Program?
Are their training goals realistic regardless of the age of the dog?
What to watch out for:
On-line, fill out a form & receive a “certificate” that alludes to the fact that presto/chango, your dog is “CERTIFIED”.
Quickie programs that are more interested in your cash, than your dog learning & being proofed on/in public access work or any task related abilities regarding your disability.